Subjects for Doctoral Courses

Requirements for Doctoral Program in Internation Public Policy Completion 

Subject Area Subject Group Conditions or Subject Name, etc. Number of Credits
Major Subjects


Special Seminar Courses (Electively Required Courses) 4~
“Seminar on International Public Policy Project A” and “Seminar on International Public Policy Project B”(Required Courses) 6
Required Credits for Completion 10

(Completion Requirements)
・Students must be enrolled in the program for at least three years, acquire at least 6 credits by taking the required courses as specified above table, receive necessary research supervision, and pass the Doctoral dissertation and the final examinations. However, for those who have made outstanding achievements, enrollment for at least one year is sufficient.
・Attending the “Research Ethics Guidance” provided by Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences is a requirement for completion of the program.                                                                    ・To submit a certificate of completion of the e-learning course (eL-CoRE or eAPRIN [formerly CITI Japan]) at the time of application for preliminary doctoral dissertation review is a requirement for completion of the program.


・It is recommended that students take 1 credit from Degree Programs’ Common Courses or Graduate General Education Courses.
・If deemed instrumental for educational purposes, credits earned by taking courses in other degree programs, etc. may be accepted as required credits for completion up to a maximum of 4 credits.

Schedule for Doctoral Thesis Examination

Application for Preliminary Examination Early July Eaerly October Early February Early April
Oral Defense for Preliminary Examination (Public) Mid – late July Mid October – Early November Mid February – Early March Mid April – Early May
Announcement of Preliminary Examination Result Early August Early November Mid March Mid May
Application for Final Examination Mid September Mid Dccember Late April Mid June
Oral Defense for Final Examination (Public) October January May July
Announcement of Final Examination Result Early December Early March Early July Early September
Commencement Ceremony Late March Late March Late September Late September